Fit Body

Fit Body the judges are looking after an athletic physique, but without the same amount of muscle mass as found in the Bodybuilding class.

Athletes are wearing a two part costume; T-Back is not allowed. The suit may have the trappings in form of gems and glitter for added effect. High cure is required. Jewelry and piercings are allowed, But should not be offensive or shield physics. 

The class will be considered in 2 rounds:

– Symmetry: are considered on the balanced proportions; the torso and lower body should not exceed each other and no muscle groups should surpass any other.

– Muscledefinition: will focus on the overall shape, not too muscular, not too toned or too hard. Athletes should not appear like excessive defined as in the Bodybuilder class

Example of performing poses remember to follow the rules described in the PDF and adapt to each individual athlete to highlight the physique as best as possible without breaking the rules.

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