Questions and answers (working on the english verision)

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How organizational structure is WNBF?

WNBF Norway is registered in the Brønnøysund as an association, the reason for this is that the union is made for members, there are members who shall have the power and control associated .

Where can I find the rules to associated?

Regulations/laws are finished-written, but must be checked at the first forbundsting.

Who sits on the board of directors? and how does it work today?

Current board members are:
Ron Daniel (President), (Board member), Ida Olufsen (Board member), Christina B. Pedersen (Board member), Heitor Sousa (Board member)
Susanne Løken (Board member)

We are a start-up phase, so everything is done by volunteering. It's pure passion for healthy sports, the goal of creating healthy role models, as well as provide a platform where everyone can quiet the same as doing that we put so much time and energy into this.

None of the directors get paid the first year, at the first forbundsting then it will be voted over nye members of the board, and any fees.

Can I be tested off season?

As a member of the Wnbf norway so you agree by registering to be tested throughout the year. if you refuse to take the test you will be banned by fobundet. we all make a concerted effort for clean sport, so it is expected that our members are cooperative if they are asked to perform a test.

What is the difference between the team and the club?

I think that team is a group you relate to the outside of the association. team mates that you train with, coaches, poseringstrenere etc. the club is in the other federations, a group of people who formally register themselves in the league. 

Do I need to be a member of a club in order to tune in competition?

No, In the wnbf norway so you can ask that individual and you do not need to be affiliated with a club.

What is the reason that there are clubs in the WNBF?

We don't want that only the team leaders and coaches will vote on the major decisions on behalf of the members, we want everyone to have the opportunity to be determine, and on the way have a democracy for all.

I must be affiliated with a team/club?

no, you do not need to be affiliated with a team, but it is recommended that you have a team and relate to with the idea of togetherness and understand coaching and follow-up all the way up against the stage (and backstage! 😉 ).

How do I register for an event?

To register For an event so you can enter the Sweepstakes on this website. If other promoters than WNBF create a tryst so this will be informed about, you can also enter in Contests Events in the tab at the top of the page.

What categories are there in the WNBF Norway?

  • Bikinifitness
  • Bodybuilding
  • Figure
  • Fit body
  • But’s Own
  • Woman's Fitness (Only in Norway)

The criteria for each class you will find in the tab CLASSES on the website.

What is defined as a junior? 

16-23 years (Under the age of 18 years must have consent from parents)

How does stagewalk apply in WNBF Norway?

In WNBF Norway, it is I-Walk that applies. There can be a difference in stagewalk from country to country and from venue to venue. Therefore, always check this before you compete! 🙂

I walk


To compete in WNBF Norway or in any other competition subject to WNBF or INBF, you must be registered as a member of WNBF Norway and the current year's contingent must be paid to WNBF Norway. (2024) NOK 890 (membership expires on 1.1.20XX) the following year.

Compete as an international athlete:

International athletes are welcome to compete with the INBF (Amateur Affiliate of the WNBF in Norway), or in an affiliate of the country as long as there is not a WNBF affiliated federation in their country. If a WNBF affiliate has been established in your country you must purchase that organizations membership card and compete within your country. 

Do I need to take a urine sample?

Når vi har konkurranser som ikke har polygraftesting (Løgndetektortesting) 700,- på stedet. vi tester alle top 3 i alle klasser.

All athletes who win a WNBF Pro Qualifyer class will consent to mandatory urine sample on the spot. These urine samples will be analyzed by our laboratories in either Utah or California. After we have received the results are the athletes notified of their WNBF Pro-status, and they can now activate the WNBF Pro card.

Professional WNBF performers:

Athletes who win the prize money should always take urine samples. Amateurs and pros can only use poseringstøyet when they perform a urinanalysetest in front of a WNBF-an officer. The procedures for WADA-kjedeforvaring must be followed by the WNBF-official and practitioners. Amateurs or professionals who do not submit to urinanalysetesting will face disqualification and/or suspension.

What happens if I get a positive test?

If you get a positive test, it will lead to a 10-year to lifetime ban from the WNBF, depending on the type of substance the athlete has tested positive for. There is also a requirement that a prescription MUST be presented before testing.

Which age group should I ask?

  •  Junior 16-23 Years (Under the age of 18 must have consent from parents)
  • Senior: 23-40 Years
  • Master: 40-49 years 
  • Grand Master: 50-59 YEARS 
  • Ultra Master: 60-69 YEARS

What weight class should I ask?

At 5 Weight Classes – Men's Bodybuilding:
  • Batamvekt: Under 68Kg
  • Lightweight: 68.03-74.84 KG
  • Middleweight: 74.95-79.23 KG
  • Light heavyweight: 79.94-86.18 KG
  • Heavyweight: Over 86.18 KG
At 3 Weight Classes – Men's Bodybuilding:
  • Lightweight: Under 74.84 KG
  • Middleweight: 74.95-86.18
  • Heavyweight: Over 86.18

Womans Bodybuilding: up to 53 kg if not, then there is only 1 class. 

Can I set in 2 categories?

You can set in 2 categories, then there is an additional fee of 600,-

The same applies to the 2 classes if the event allows it. 

I am Pro athlete in any other organization, can I ask that Pro WNBF?

WNBF accepts only Pro athletes who have won the pro card in the WNBF/INBF or other approved international partners.

Practitioner atferdskodeks:

It is a privilegie to compete in the INBF/WNBF, and WNBF Norway, we have the highest expectations of those who are members of the association. Athletes who is a member will be disqualified and be denied participation in any of the WNBF their events, if it be committed the following violations: Fraud, positive drug test, unsportsmanlike conduct, backbiting, spreading false rumors, inappropriate social media that may discredit the federation or the league's members, Profanity, violation of the rules, and/or violation of the competition rules, as well as to participate in illegal activities such as theft, harassment, aggression, vandalism, etc. disqualification may lead to a temporary or permanent suspension. the suspension can be given by the sentencing committee and may be based on the recommendations received from the regional director or promotør. WNBF to have a list of all the disqualifications as well as comprehensive information as possible.

Coaches/treneres atferdskodeks:

as a trainer/coach, you are a key part in the development of a natural athlete. leadership for the athlete comes from all of us, including coaches and trainers. The implications grip will be taken for the athletes,


Open WNBF Pro's; Open the Pro's are eligible two compete in any WNBF event worldwide except Worlds which requires qualification. Pro's qualified in multiple categories must select 1 (one) category per event. No crossovers are allowed. Pro's who are over the age of 40 are automatically qualified for the Pro Masters events.

Masters WNBF Pro's: People holding Masters Pro cards may Not compete in the Open Pro classes unless they ALSO hold an Open Pro Card (ie. won an Open Pro card). Pro Masters competitors who win a pro masters event, or the overall that a pro masters event are still not eligible two compete in WNBF Open Pro Events.

Can I compete in any WNBF Pro event?

The WNBF has Pro events across the country and throughout the year. If you hold a current WNBF Pro card, you are eligible for all of them. The only event that requires a qualification is the WNBF World Championship. The two compete in the WNBF World Championships, you need to compete in any WNBF Pro show in the year of the Worlds you are hoping two compete. You will also ask the qualified if you have placed top three at the previous year's World or won an Overall Pro title any time in the WNBF.

If I win prize money, when do I receive it?

If you win prize money, your checks will be sent within 30 days of receiving urine testing results. You will be required to fill out a W9 form before we submit the payment to you.

I just won my pro card, when do I have to compete?

Pros are required to compete within a year of winning their pro card. If you have circumstances regarding a delay, please contact us for an extension. Extensions are granted for medical reasons, pregnancy or personal hardships. Please email us via the contact page HERE

Once I have competed, what do I have to do to stay eligible as a pro?

Pros are required after their first pro show, the two compete every two years and to keep dues current. Annual Pro Membership Fees are required to be up to date at all times. WNBF memberships may be updated here.

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